














Slow hand   溫柔的手  Pointer Sisters   指針姊妹合唱團



As the midnight moon was drifting through 當午夜的月飄移而過


The lazy sway of the trees 樹木緩緩擺動




I saw the look in your eyes, looking into mine 我看見你的眼睛注視著我的雙眼




Seeing what you wanted to see      注視著你想看見的


Darling don't say a word                       親愛的,什麼話都不要說

Cause I already heard                               因為我已經聽見了

What your body's saying to mine                    你的身體想告訴我的

I'm tired of fast moves                               我厭倦了動作快速

I've got a slow groove on my mind             我心底,我需要溫柔

I want a man with a slow hand     我想要個有溫柔雙手的男人

I want a lover with an easy touch  我想要一個觸摸輕柔的情人

I want somebody who will spend some time我需要有人願意花點時間

Not come and go in a heated rush      而不是來去匆匆


I found somebody who will understand  我已找到一個能夠瞭解的人

When it comes to love            當愛情來了


I want a slow hand               我需要溫柔的手

If I want it all night            


Please say it's alright            請你說沒關係


It's not a fast move               我不要動作快速


But a slow groove on my mind      但在我心底,我需要溫柔


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